Are you trying to stream the video in a webpage or are you downloading and saving it to your device and viewing with a media player?
Our video downloads work best when they are saved to your device and viewed with a media player. When streaming they can buffer (freeze) or show network errors if the internet is too slow. If you do not have a media player on your device, you can get the VLC Player here for free:
You can download directly from your account:
- After logging into your account, go to My Purchases or My Download.
- Locate the download link on the far right of the video title you are wishing to view.
To save to your device:
*PC Users: Right click on the download link, select "Download Linked File As"
*MAC Users: Hold the control key while clicking on the download link and select "Download Links File As"
*Tablet/Smartphone: Hold down on download link and select "Download link File"
If steaming the video, to download to your device:
- Click on the 3 vertical dots found on the bottom right corner of the video.
- In the drop-down box that appears, select the Download option.
If you are still having trouble accessing your purchase with these instructions, please reach out to our Customer Service Support Team Here. Be sure to provide any error messages you are receiving or details of the trouble you are having along with the type of device and browser you are using.