Workshops with a set start and end date, will not be open to view until the posted start date. If there are required textbooks/materials, it will be your responsibility to acquire these supplies before the start of the workshop. All workshop components are self-paced, meaning you can log on at your convenience, day or night, to participate.
Assignment/exercises (if included in your workshop) are submitted directly to the workshop instructor. If you are unable to complete your assignment by the due date, please communicate this with your instructor. Questions or messages you’d like to share with the whole class can be posted to the class discussion board.
Once the workshop ends you will still have access to the lesson materials, but the instructor and discussion board will no longer be available.
Here is how to access your Workshops
- Go to
- Login with your email address and password.
- After logging in, you will be brought to your Account Dashboard. In the left-hand menu click Downloads. Or while shopping, click on 'Your Name' or 'My Account' in the upper right and select My Downloads from the dropdown menu.
- Locate the workshop you wish to view and click on the Access Workshop link to the right of the Title.
- This will link you over to the workshop detail page. From here you can read the Workshop description, access the Reference Materials (if applicable), and read and make Reviews.
-Click Play Workshop start watching.
-To save reference material to your device:
*PC Users: Right click on the downloadable link, select the” Save Link As” option
*MAC Users: Hold the control key while clicking on the downloadable link and select the "Download Linked File” (Safari) or” Save Link As” (Chrome) option.
*Tablet/Smartphone: Hold down on downloadable link and select "Download Linked File" or” Save Link As” option. (Note: When using an iPad, the Safari browser will need to be used to get the option to save to your device)
- If workshops have multiple videos/lessons, you can navigate to the next lesson from the left-hand menu or the right and left navigation arrows in the upper right.
-Video Bar Navigation
A. Play/Pause video
B. Volume control
C. Closed Captioning (English only)
D. Make video full screen. Press ESC to exit full screen.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Customer Service Department Here.